We help you without enough time in the housing queue to get a first-hand rental apartment in Stockholm

We notify you immediately when an apartment is found via email and sms!
Register for only 299 kr (399 kr) and get your first-hand apartment today!

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What does Snabbostad.com do?

Snabbostad.com continually scans all landlords in and around Stockholm for apartments that do not require time in the housing queue. As soon as a "first come, first served" apartment is published we immediately notify you via email and SMS.
This way you can get an apartment in Stockholm fast, easy and without any time in the housing queue!
Activation of the service costs only 299 kr (399 kr) for 30 days of email subscription

Does it really work?

Yes it works! We know it is hard to get an apartment in Stockholm, that is the reason that we started this service. Snabbostad.com is a powerful tool that helps you find a new apartment today without any time in the housing queue. By sending you notifications of over 200 "first come, first served" apartments immediately when they are published every month we significantly increase your chances of quickly finding an apartment in Stockholm.

By registering an account you accept our terms and conditions.
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A good alternative to the housing queues of Stockholm
Sara Lindgren

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